Adult Guardianships Can Be Challenging, But We Can Help
Seeking guardianship of a vulnerable adult can seem like an overwhelming duty. With an experienced elder law lawyer on your side, however, the process can be relatively smooth.
At Ruggiero Law Offices LLC in Paoli, our Pennsylvania elder law attorneys have the experience you need to seek or contest the guardianship of an adult. We can represent you in either situation, as well as in cases where you are contesting someone trying to get guardianship over you. We understand that these matters can be sensitive and emotional. You will receive our elder law attorneys’ caring, knowledgeable guidance throughout the case.
What Is A Guardianship Of An Adult In Pennsylvania?
Guardianship of an adult may be granted when they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves and/or care for themselves. This often occurs when the person (ward) is incapacitated by an injury, illness or dementia.
If powers of attorney are already in place, there may be no need for guardianship. It is quite common, though, for these situations to arise when there are no powers of attorney to address the elder’s needs. In these cases, you would start the process by filing a petition with the Court of Common Pleas. One of our elder law lawyers can assist you with this.
The court process typically includes a chance for the proposed ward to contest the guardianship. Other people may also speak on their behalf or, conversely, give evidence that they need a guardianship. After reviewing the evidence, the judge will decide if guardianship is necessary.
Emergency guardianships are possible, but it is better for everyone involved when there are powers of attorney. These cases can be difficult and may result in family disputes, but existing powers of attorney can reduce some of that tension and disagreement. We can help you set up powers of attorney to avoid these situations.
Do You Believe That The Guardianship Is Unnecessary Or Unfair?
Unfortunately, some people try to take advantage of elderly people by getting guardianship over them. They may then be able to steal or misuse the person’s assets. We handle this type of elder abuse often and can help you challenge a guardianship.
Put Our Experience And Compassion To Work For Your Family
No matter which side you are on, we know that this can be a trying time for your family. You can rely on our knowledge and counsel as we work to resolve this issue for you. To get started, please call the firm at 610-889-0288 or complete a short form.